Features - how does smartifu for medical devices work?
Categorise products
and documents
You can assign products, documents and files to different classes. Systematic categorisation saves you time and makes your processes more efficient.
Choose your own
You decide which URL you want to publish your documents under. An individual user interface guarantees your brand’s recognition value.
Versioning, activating
and deactivating documents
All it takes are a few clicks to define which documents are to be accessible to your customers, and you can keep track of which version currently needs documentation at all times.
Availability of documents
according to region (coming soon)
You decide whether specific documents should only be visible for certain countries/regions. This give you full control over the distribution of your information at all times.
Filter documents
according to various criteria
Users can search for and find your products according to various features (e.g. a key code – an individual reference). This makes your customers’ work that much easier, and at the same time you satisfy eIFU regulations.
Upload documents on your own
You can upload your documents directly to smartifu.
There is no need for any middleman so you remain independent.
Analysis and further development
(coming soon)
You monitor how your platform and documents are used and gain insights into your customers’ user behaviour.
Freely accessible
platform and documents
smartifu is browser-based, which means that neither you nor your customers need any specific software to use it.
Security, availability
and quality
smartifu was developed for medical technology and the pharmaceuticals industry and complies with the strictest EU and FDA regulations. With smartifu, you will be using a highly available platform that protects your data and is being constantly improved.
Automatic notifications
smartifu keeps you and your customers up-to-date and informed about all of the latest changes or actions.
Computer system validation
With smartifu, you will be investing in a platform that has been certified to GAMP 5 and ISO 13485, and thus will automatically satisfy the FDA requirements.
(order printed versions)
smartifu can also offer a print-on-demand solution. Your customers can order printed instructions for use if needed and you comply with EU requirements.
Multilingual platform for users
smartifu helps you provide your documents in the desired languages. You can thus overcome language barriers and improve the application safety of your product.